
This document assumes you’ve installed hiraeth/bootstrap or a combination of hiraeth/diactoros, hiraeth/fastroute, and hiraeth/actions.. If you haven’t your mileage may vary. See the installation docs for more information.

Responders take the return result of an action and convert it to a PSR-7 response object. In most cases this will be totally transparent to the user as hiraeth/bootstrap comes with a number of common responders out of the box. However, if you’re writing an API, creating custom responders is an extremely powerful way to handle conversion of data transfer objects, models, collections, etc, to the client.

By default hiraeth/bootstrap comes with the following responders:

Responder Description
NativeResponder Handles a returned PSR-7 Response object, makes no modifications
JsonResponder Handles a returned array, stdClass, or JsonSerializable, converts to JSON
FileResponder Handles a returned SplFileINfo object, discerns content type via extension
StringResponder Handles a returned string, discerns content type based on content
TemplateResponder Handles a returned template, discerns content type via the template extension

Creating a Responder

Responders must implement the Hiraeth\Routing\Responder. In order to implement this interface you will need to implement two methods.

Method Description
match() Determine whether or not that responder should be used to convert the action’s return value
__invoke() Perform the conversion of the action’s return value into a PSR-7 response object

Both methods receive the Hiraeth\Routing\Resolver as an argument which allows you to access the return value of the action.

As an example, let’s begin by looking at the Hiraeth\Routing\NativeResponder.

Matching the Response

The match() method takes the Hiraeth\Routing\Resolver, on which you can use getResult() to get the return value from the action. It returns TRUE in the event it knows how to convert the result to a response, FALSE otherwise. The first responder to return TRUE is chosen to send the response.

The Hiraeth\Routing\NativeResponder matches if the return value of the action is a already a PSR-7 response object.

public function match(Resolver $resolver): bool
	return $resolver->getResult() instanceof Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;

Converting the Response

Once a responder is matched, it will be invoked via the __invoke() method. The __invoke() method is responsible for taking the information from the return value and mapping it or converting it to a valid Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface. In our previous example, the result was already a valid PSR-7 response object, so it would only return the original result.

Here, we’ll look at the Hiraeth\Routing\StringResolver. In this instance, we would have matached if the return result from the action was a native PHP string. As with the match() method, we receive the resolver. From there, we can getResult() and convert it:

	$result    = $resolver->getResult();
	$response  = $resolver->getResponse();
	$stream    = $this->streams->createStream($result);
	$mime_type = $resolver->getType($stream);

	return $response
		->withHeader('Content-Type', $mime_type)
		->withHeader('Content-Length', (string) $stream->getSize())

Registering Responders

Responders can be registered by creating a new file in config/responders, e.g. config/responders/acme.jin with a [responder] section and specifying the class of the responder:


	class = Acme\Responder\CustomResponder

Responders are matched in the order of their specified priority in the config. The first to match will be executed, so if you have a responder that handles the same type of response as another, make sure the responder with the more specific matching criteria has a lower value.

	priority = 10

If you need to disable a particular conflicting responder for some reason you can set the disabled option to true:

	disabled = true

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