Database Connections

This document assumes you’ve installed hiraeth/bootstrap or hiraeth/dbal. If you haven’t your mileage may vary. See the installation docs for more information.

Hiraeth’s database access and datbase abstraction layer is powered by Doctrine’s DBAL library.

Connections are the starting point for database functionality, they enable you to execute queries (including prepared statements) as well as gain access to additional utilities for things like schema inflection, building queries, etc.

Each connection is defined by a JIN configuration file containing a [connection] section. For example config/connections/default.jin contains the settings for the connection named default:

	; password = env(DATABASES_DEFAULT_PASS)

Uncomment the password, host, and port settings if you need to modify these. Or add additional configuration settings corresponding to doctrine’s DBAL configuration. Since we are using the env() function to get the actual values, we will also need to modify our .env to add the actual values:



        TYPE = pdo_pgsql
        NAME = database
        USER = user

Hiraeth’s DBAL integration supports mulitple connections out of the box, so the preferred way to obtain your connection is to inject the Hiraeth\Dbal\ConnectionRegistry:

use Hiraeth\Dbal\ConnectionRegistry;

class MyService
    public function __construct(ConnectionRegistry $registry)
        $this->connection = $registry->getConnection('default');

Once you’ve obtained a connection, you should be able to use it in accordance with Doctrine’s documentation. In the above example, the name is optional, but if not provided will always attempt to return the connection named default.

Adding a Connection

Connections can be added by creating a new connection configuration in the config/dbal directory. The basename of the configuration (minus the .jin extension) will be the name of the connection.

The connection file itself is relatively straightforward. Let’s copy the default.jin called blog.jin and modify a few things. We’ll change our environment variable names to match our blog settings, and uncomment the password as we’ll need a password to access this database.

	driver = env(DATABASES_BLOG_TYPE)
    dbname = env(DATABASES_BLOG_NAME)
	password = env(DATABASES_BLOG_PASS)

Now we can add our .env settings accordingly:



		TYPE = pdo_mysql
		NAME = blog
		USER = bloguser
		PASS = myS3cr3tP455werd

Finally, we can get our blog connection thusly:

use Hiraeth\Dbal\ConnectionRegistry;

class MyBlogService
    public function __construct(ConnectionRegistry $registry)
        $this->connection = $registry->getConnection('blog');

To enable the ORM, you’ll need to add hiraeth/doctrine and configure the entity manager.

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